The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

A big thank you to my dear Angel friend, Liz of Lizitivity for nominating me for this award!


The rules  for accepting  the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:
Display the Award Certificate on your website.
Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented you with the award.
Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.
Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post.
Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

My nominated bloggers (in no particular order) –

1. Nathan Bransford

2.Max Barry

3. Chris Guillebeau – The Art of Non-conformity

4.Orly Wahba – Life Vest Inside

5. Rob Lang – The Modern Day Poet

6. Innocent Smoothies

7. Marcia Bench

8. Sarah Jane 

9. Magu Bee – Bee the Adventure

10.  Curious Odyssey Coaching

11. Claire Brummell – Feminine 1st

12. Christian Pankhurst

13. Arielle Ford – Wabi Sabi Love

14. Rori Raye

15. 7Words

Seven interesting things about me –

1. I only wear fluffy bed socks, and they have to be inside-out, I hate the seam against my toes.

2. I wrote my first poem at the age of 8, in the middle of the night, and it was just four lines long.

3. I had a pet slow-worm as a child. In fact, several, as the cats used to catch them, I’d nurse them back to health then release them.

4. I used to travel astrally while asleep as a very young child. My favourite thing to do was to fly down the stairs and around the house. It was always interesting when I tried to re-create that when awake…

5. I have a very weird accent. I am originally from Wales, but have never had a Welsh accent, even as a child in Welsh school. Over the years I have been asked if I am from America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, England or even South Africa. I like to think of it as being a Universal accent 🙂

6. I have a happy memory pot on my window sill, with a pen and paper next to it. Every time something good happens, I write it down on a piece of the paper, fold it up, and put it in the pot. My Christmas present to myself will be to open all these little notes to myself and read about all the wonderful things that have happened this year.

7. My lucky number is 7. It is also my life path number 🙂

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